Personal Trainer, Yoga Coach, Founder

Jürgen > int. Personal Trainer, Functional Moves, Yoga, Life Balance, Founder & Director

As a personal trainer I set the focus of my profession on holistic coaching and effective strategies for vitalisation, strength development, weight loss, relaxation and life balance. In my sessions you will achieve your goals quickly, healthy and with a lot of fun. 15 years of experience as a personal trainer refined my style. After all this time and profound experience in the fitness industry I am still more than enthusiastic about my work as a personal trainer, the success of our customers and the advantages of individual 1:1 Private Sessions.

After my studies I lived from 2005-2007 in India. In this time I learned ancient yoga and found my way, that made it my mission to create Royal Private Coach and to establish a global team of high professional coaches. I am evaluated and listed at EREPS (European Register of Exercise Professionals). References: Body & Soul, Boston Consulting, Stratley, BMW, Aristo, Munich Gym, etc.

University: Health & Sports Science Munich, Fitness & Personal Trainer Training (BSA München), one-year Yoga Teacher Training (India), Health Coach, Instructor for back exercise and prevention.

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